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Peer Reviewed Publications


Meredith is deeply committed to democratizing research and science to provide equitable access to information that is often hidden behind paywalls. She publishes her work in open access journals, submits articles to open access repositories and utilizes pre-prints in her work to speed up the scientific research process and provide free access to everyone.


You can track Meredith's work on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.


†- Graduate student author  *Undergraduate student author


97) Hunt, L., Thompson, J., Niles, M.T. (2025). How on-farm research project participants compare to a general sample of farmers: A case study of US cover crop farmers. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 45:5.


96) Sundermeir, S.M. †, Biehl, E., Acciai, F., Moynihan, E., Niles, M.T., Neff, R.  Food security and U.S. state-level containment policies during the early COVID-19 pandemic:  A multi-level analysis. Accepted at Public Health Nutrition.


95) Niles, M.T., Stahlmann-Brown, P., Wesselbaum, D. (2025). Risk tolerance and climate concerns predict transformative agricultural land use change. Agricultural Systems.  223,104195.


94) Hricko, C. †, Demarest, B., Liu, T.L. †, Cheney, N., Belarmino, E., Trubek, A., Niles, M.T. (2024). Scoping review of sustainable diets research reveals a thematic and disciplinary emphasis on nutrition and environment.  Environmental Research: Food Systems. 1, 022004.  DOI 10.1088/2976-601X/ad865c


93) Wiltshire, S., Beckage, B., Callahan, C., Chase, L., Conner, D., Darby, H., Kolodinsky, J., Kraft, J., Neher, D.A., Poleman, W., Ricketts, T.H., Tobin, D., von Wettberg, E.J.B., Niles, M.T.  (2024). Regional food system sustainability: Using team science to develop an indicator-based assessment framework.  Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.


92) Kling, M.M., Brittain, C.T. †, Galford, G.L., Waring, T.M., Hebert-Dufresne, L., Dube, M.P., Sabzian, H. †, Gotelli, N.J., McGill, B.J., Niles, M.T. (2024). Innovations through crop switching happen on the diverse margins of US agriculture.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (42) e2402195121


91) Bliss, S. †, Musumeci, S.*, Belarmino, E.H., Merrill, S., Bertmann, F.B., Schattman, R.E., Niles, M.T. (2024). Non-market food production can contribute to diverse dimensions of food security according to key informants in northern New England. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 1–29.

90) Spence, E. †, Niles, M.T., Bertmann, F., Belarmino, E.H. (2024). Experiences participating in federal nutrition assistance programs during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study in Vermont. Nutrition Journal. 23, 74.

89) Moore, M. †, and Niles, M.T. (2024). Social connectedness reduces climate change threat appraisal perceptions among climate-informed smallholder farmers and reveals gendered vulnerabilities. Climate and Development. 1–18.

88) Spence, E.H. †, Niles, M.T., Bertmann, F., Mares, T., Belarmino, E.H. Higher Rates of Food Insecurity and Stress Experienced by Food Systems Workers during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2024). Frontiers in Nutrition. 7:11:1274656. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2024.1274656

87) Moore, M. †, Razafindrina, K., Mendez, E., Niles, M.T. (2024). An analysis of the adoption of the “system of rice intensification” (SRI): why a homegrown technique has yet to take seed among rice farmers in Madagascar. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10:1, 2319932, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2024.2319932

86) Belarmino, E. H. Malacarne, J., McCarthy, AC., Bliss, S., Laurent, J., Merrill, S.C., Niles, M.T., Nowak, S., Schattman, R.E., Yerxa, K. (2024). Suboptimal diets identified among adults in two rural states during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Accepted at Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition.


85) Niles, M.T., McCarthy, A.C., Malacarne, J., Bliss, S., Belarmino, E.H., Laurent, J., Merrill, S.C., Nowak, S.A., Schattman, R.E. Home and wild food procurement were associated with improved food security during the COVID-19 pandemic in two rural US states.  (2024). Scientific Reports. 14: 2682.


84) Niles, M.T., Hammond-Wagner, C., Aristizábal, N., Hricko, C., Petrucci, A., Rodríguez-Cruz, L. (2024). Individual and collective political efficacy predict farmer engagement and support for groundwater policies: implications from the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Ecology and Society. 25:5.


83) Han, G., and Niles, M.T. An adoption spectrum for sustainable agriculture practices: A new framework applied to cover crop adoption. Agricultural Systems. Volume 212, 103771.


82) Chami, B., Niles, M.T., Parry, S., Mirsky, S., Ackroyd, V., Ryan, M. Incentive programs promote cover crop adoption. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 8, e20114.


81) Waring, T., Niles, M.T., Kling, M., Miller, S., Hebert-Dufresne, L., Sabzian Papi, H. †, Gotelli, N., McGill, B.J.  Operationalizing cultural adaptation to climate change:  contemporary examples from United States agriculture.  Philosophical Transactions B. B3782022039720220397.


80) White, A. †, Faulkner, J.W., Niles, M.T., Conner, D., Mendez, V.E.  The role of farmer networks in supporting adaptive capacity: opening the door for innovation and transformation in the Northeastern US.  Elementa. 1 (1): 00039.


79) Clay, L., Koyratty, N., Rogus, S., Colon-Ramos, U., Hossan, A. †, Josephson, A., Neff, R., Zack, R., Niles, M.T. A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Development of a Disaster Food Security Framework. Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 123,10, Supplement S46-S58.


78) Han, G and Niles, M.T. (2023). Interested but uncertain:  Carbon markets and data sharing among US row crop farmers.  Land. 12(8), 1526


77) Porterfield, K. †, Hobson, S., Neher, D., Niles, M.T., Roy, E.  Microplastics in composts, digestates and food wastes: A review.  (2023). Journal of Environmental Quality. 52(2):225-240 doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20450


76) Davis, K.F., Muller, M.F., Rulli, M.C., Tatlhego, M., Ali, S., Baggio, J.A., Dell’Angelo, J., Jung, S., Kehoe, L., Niles, M.T., Eckert, S. (2023). Transnational agricultural land acquisitions as an emerging threat to global biodiversity.  Environmental Research Letters. 18(2):24014.


75) Moore, Maya, Alpaugh, M., Razafindrina, K., Trubek, A., Niles, M.T., Finding food in the hunger season: A mixed methods approach to understanding wild plant foods in relation to food security and dietary diversity in southeastern Madagascar. Accepted at Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.


74) Geller, S.*, Clark, B., Pope, L., Niles, M.T., Belarmino, E.H., Investigating knowledge and beliefs on calcium and preferences for dairy vs. plant-based alternatives.  Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living. Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living. 2:60-72.


73) Niles, M.T., Wiltshire, S., Lombard, J., Branan, M., Vuolo, M., Chintala, R., Tricarico, J.(2022). Manure management strategies are interconnected with complexity across US dairy farms.  PLOS ONE.


72) Brassard Wirkkala, K.†, Bertmann, F., Belarmino, E.H., Niles, M.T. (2022). The fruits of labor: Home food procurement and mental health in the time of COVID-19.  Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2022.2065597


71) McCarthy, A., Belarmino, E., Bertmann, F., Niles, M.T. (2022). Food Security Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence from a Cohort of Adults in Vermont during the First Year.  Nutrients 14, no. 7: 1358. (Open access, free to the public)


70) Rodríguez-Cruz, L.A. †, Álvarez-Berríos, N., Niles, M.T. (2022). Social-ecological interactions in a disaster context: Puerto Rican farmer households’ food security after Hurricane Maria.  Environmental Research Letters. (Open access, free to the public)


69) Dawson, D., Morales, E., McKiernan, E.C., Niles, M.T., Schimanski, L.A., Alperin, J. (2022). The role of collegiality in academic review, promotion, and tenure.  PLOS ONE 17(4): e0265506. (Open access, free to the public)


68) Hebert-Dufresne, L., Waring, T.M., St-Onge, G., Niles, M.T., Corlew, L.K., Dube, M.P., Miller, S.J., Gotelli, N., McGill, B.J.  (2022). Source-sink behavioural dynamics limit institutional evolution in a group-structured society. Royal Society Open Science. 9211743211743.


67) Niles, M.T., et al. A multi-site analysis of the prevalence of food security in the United States, before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Current Developments in Nutrition. Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2021, nzab135, (Open access, free to the public)


66) White, A., Faulkner, J., Conner, D., Niles, M.T., Barbieri, L., Mendez, V.E., Adair, E.C., Twombly, C. 2021. Measuring the supply of ecosystem services from alternative soil & nutrient management practices: a transdisciplinary, field-scale approach. Sustainability. 13(18), 10303; (Open access, free to the public)


65) Ryschawy, J., Kelly, S., Gaudin, A., Garrett, R., Niles, M.T. 2021. Moving niche agroecological initiatives to the mainstream: A case-study of sheep-vineyard integration in California. Land Use Policy.  109:105680.


64) Nicholson, C., Emery, B.F. †, Niles, M.T. Global relationships between crop diversity and nutritional stability.  Nature Communications. 12: 5310.  (Open access, free to the public)


63) Bertmann, F., Rogomentich, K., Belarmino, E.H., Niles, M.T. The Food Bank and Food Pantries Help Food Insecure Participants Maintain Fruit and Vegetable Intake During COVID-19. Frontiers in Nutrition  8, 510. (Open access, free to the public)


62) Rodriguez-Cruz, L., Moore, M., Niles, M.T. Puerto Rican Farmers’ Obstacles Towards Recovery and Adaptation Strategies after Hurricane Maria: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Adaptive Capacity.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5:22. (Open access, free to the public)


61) Gisbert-Queral, M., Henningsen, A., Niles, M.T., Kebreab, E., Tigden, A.J., Mueller, N.D. 2021.  Climate impacts and adaptation in US dairy systems.  Nature Food. 2, 894–901.


60) Snider, M.A.†, Ziegler, S.E., Darby, H.M., Soder, K.J., Brito, A.F., Beidler, B., Flack, S., Greenwood, S.L., Niles, M.T. 2021. An overview of organic, grassfed dairy farm management and factors related to higher milk production. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S1742170521000284 (Open access, free to the public)


59) Clements, R. †, Birthisel, S.K., Daigneault, A., Gallandt, E., Johnson, D., Wentworth, T., Niles, M.T.  (2021). Climate change in the context of whole-farming systems: opportunities for improved outreach. Climatic Change. 166: 40. (Open access, free to the public)


58) Niles, M.T., Wirkkala Brassard, K. Belarmino, E.H., Bertmann F. (2021). Home food procurement impacts food security and diet quality during COVID-19.  BMC Public Health.  21: 945. (Open access, free to the public)


57) Emery, B.F.†, Niles M.T., Danforth, C.M., Dodds, P.S. (2021). Local information sources received the most attention from Puerto Ricans during the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.  PLOS One. 16(6): e0251704.    (Open access, free to the public)


56) Niles, M.T., Rudnick, J. †, Lubell, M., Cramer, L., (2021).  Linking Household and Community Social Capital to Smallholder Food Security.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. (Open access, free to the public)


55) Muller, M.F., Penny, G., Niles, M.T., Ricciardi, V., Chiarelli, D.D., Davis, K.F., Dell’Angelo, J., d’Odorico, P., Rosa, L., Rulli, M.S., Mueller, N.D. Impact of transnational land acquisitions on local food security and diet diversity.  (2021). Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 118: e2020535118.  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2020535118


54) Rodriguez-Cruz, L.A. and Niles, M.T. (2021) Awareness of climate change's impacts and motivation to adapt are not enough to drive action: A look of Puerto Rican farmers after Hurricane Maria. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0244512. (Open access, free to the public)


53) Roy, E., Hammond-Wagner, C., † Niles, M.T. (2021). Hot spots of opportunity for improved cropland nitrogen management across the United States. Environmental Research Letters. 16: 035004. (Open access, free to the public)


52) Niles M.T., Emery, B.F. †, Wiltshire, S., Fischer, B., Ricketts, T., Brown, M. (2021). Climate effects on child diet diversity across low and middle-income countries.  Environmental Research Letters. 16: 015010. (Open access, free to the public)


51) Payne, P., Kaye-Blake, W.H., Kelsey, A., Brown, M., Niles, M.T. (2021). Measuring rural community resilience: Case studies in New Zealand and Vermont, USA. Ecology and Society. 26(1):2. (Open access, free to the public)


47) Mason, R.E. †, Niles, M.T., Merrill, S.C., Gorres, J., Faulkner, J. (2021). Using agricultural models to inform policy: Discussion points for researchers and policymakers.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.76:10A-14A. (Open access, free to the public)


46) Byerly, H. †, Kross, S., Niles, M.T., Fisher, B. Behavioral science and biodiversity management in agricultural landscapes.  Accepted at Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.


45) Niles, M.T., Bertmann, F., Belarmino, E., Wentworth, T., Biehl, E., Neff, R.A.  The early food insecurity impacts of COVID-19.  Nutrients.  12(7), 2096; (Open access, free to the public)


44) Poortvliet, P.M., Niles, M.T., Veraart, J.A., Werners, S.E., Korporaal, F.C., Mulder, B.C. Communicating Climate Change Risk: A Content Analysis of IPCC’s Summary for Policymakers. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4861. (Open access, free to the public)


43) Cooper, M. †, Brown. M.E., Niles, M.T., Mahmoud, M. Text mining the food security literature reveals substantial spatial bias and thematic broadening over time.  Global Food Security.  26, 100392. DOI: (Open access, free to the public)


42) Mason, R.E. †, Merrill, S.C., Gorres, J., Faulkner, J., Niles, M.T. (2021). Agronomic and environmental performance of dairy farms in a warmer, wetter climate.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 76: 76-88.


41) Millar, A., † Vatovec, C., Niles, M.T., Ivahkiv, A. (2020). What’s in Your Body of Water? Reducing the Psychological Distance of Pharmaceutical Pollution through Metaphoric Framing in Risk Communication.  Environmental Management. 65 (5), 630-641. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-020-01275-8


40) Hammond-Wagner, C.R. † and M.T. Niles.  What is fair in groundwater allocation?  (2020). Distributive and procedural fairness perceptions of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.  Journal of Society of Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1752339


39) Niles, M.T., Schimanski, L.A., McKiernan, E., Alperin, J.P.  Why we publish where we do: Faculty publishing values and their relationship to review, promotion and tenure expectations.  PLOS ONE. 15(3): e022891 (Open Access, free to the public)


39) Niles, M.T. Majority of rural residents compost food waste: Policy and waste management implications for rural regions. (2020). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 3:123. (Open Access, free to the public)


38) Schattman, R.E., Hurley, S.E., Greenleaf, H.L., Niles, M.T., Caswell, M. (2020). Visualizing climate change adaptation: An effective tool for agricultural outreach?  Weather, Climate, and Society. doi: 10.1175/WCAS-D-19-0049.1 (Open Access, free to the public)


37) Hammond Wagner, C., Roy, E., Niles, M.T. (2019). US county-level agricultural crop production cluster classifications.  BMC Research Notes. 12, Article number: 552. (Open Access, free to the public)


36) Lubell, M.N. and M.T. Niles.  (2019). Climate adaptation: Knowledge capacity building limits. Nature Climate Change. 9: 578-579.


35) McKiernan, E.C., Schimanski, L.A., Muñoz Nieves, C., Matthias, L., Niles, M.T., and Alperin, J.P. (2019). The use of Journal Impact Factor in academic review, promotion, and tenure evaluations.  eLife. (Open Access, free to the public)


34) Niles, M.T., Wiltshire, S.,† (2019). Tradeoffs in U.S. Dairy Manure Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Productivity, Climate, and Manure Management Strategies.  Environmental Research Communications. 1:7. 075003. (Open Access, free to the public)


33) Carranza, M.*, and M.T. Niles. (2019). Smallholder farmers spend credit primarily on food: gender differences and food security implications in a changing climate.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 3:56. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2019.00056 (Open Access, free to the public)


32) Weiner, S., Roesch-McNally, G., Schattman, R.E., Niles, M.TReady, willing and able?  USDA field staff as climate advisors.  In Press at Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.


31) Niles M.T., Hammond-Wagner, C.† (2019). The carrot or the stick? California farmer support of incentive and regulatory groundwater management policies.  Environmental Research Communications. (Open Access, free to the public).


30) Niles, M.T., Horner, C.†, Chintala, R. (2019). A review of determinants for dairy farmer decision making on manure management strategies in high-income countries.  Environmental Research Letters. 14: 5. (Open Access, free to the public).


29) Niles, M.T., Waterhouse, H.†, Kroopf, S., Parkhurst, R. McClellan, E. (2019). Policy options to streamline the carbon market potential for agricultural nitrous oxide emissions.   Climate Policy.19:7, 893-907, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1599802 (Open Access, free to the public).


28) Alperin, Juan P., Schimanski, L., Muñoz Nieves, C., Fischman, Gustavo E., Niles, M.T., McKiernan, E.C. An analysis of the public dimensions of faculty work in the performance review and tenure process.  eLife.  8:e42254 (Open Access, free to the public).


27) Cortner, O.†, Garrett, R.D., Valentim, J., Ferreira, J., Niles, M.T., and Reis, J. (2019). Local perceptions of benefits and challenges to adopting integrated crop and livestock systems in Brazil.  Land Use Policy. 82:841-853. (Open Access, free to the public).


26) Shah, S.H.†, Wagner, C.H.†, Sanga, U.†, Park, H.†, de Lima Demange, L.H.M†, Gueiros, C.†, Niles, M.T. (2019). Can agricultural adaptation to hydro-climatic change be explained by household “capitals”? Household evidence from the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. (Open Access, free to the public).


25) Niles, M.T., Emery, B.F., Reagan, A., Dodds, P.S., Danforth, C. (2019). Average individuals tweet more often during extreme events: An ideal mechanism for social contagion.  PLOS ONE. 14(2): e0210484. (Open Access, free to the public)


24) J. Rudnick,* Niles, M.T., Lubell, M.N., Cramer, L. A comparative analysis of agricultural development policy networks for climate resilience and food security. World Development. 117: 112-126. (Open Access, free to the public).


23) Niles, M.T., Weiner, S., Schattman, R., Roesch-McNally, G., Reyes, J.  (2019). Seeing isn’t always believing: Crop loss and climate change perceptions among farm advisors.  Environmental Research Letters.  (Open Access, free to the public).


22) Chriest, A.*, and M.T. Niles. (2019). Role of community social capital for acute food security following an extreme weather event.  Rural Sociology. 64: 80-90.


21) Bevet, S., Niles, M.T., Pope, L. (2018). You Can’t “Nudge” Nuggets: An Investigation of Late Night Dining With Behavioral Economics Interventions. PLOS ONE. 13 (5): e0198162 (Open Access, free to the public)


20) Conrad, Z., Niles, M.T., Neher, D., Roy, E., Tichenor, N., Jahns, L.  (2018). Relationship between food waste, diet quality, and environmental sustainability. PLOS ONE. 13(4): e0195405 (Open Access, free to the public)


19) Niles, M.T., and J. Salerno. 2018.  A cross country analysis of climate shocks on smallholder food insecurity. PLOS ONE. 13(2): e0192928. (Open Access, free to the public)


18) Niles, M.T., Ahuja, R., Barker, T., Esquivel, J., Gutterman, S., Heller, M., Mango, N., Portner, D., Raimond, R., Tirado, C., Vermeulen, S. 2018. Climate change mitigation beyond agriculture: A review of food system opportunities and implications. Special issue on Climate Change and Food Systems in Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1-12. doi:10.1017/S1742170518000029 (Open Access, free to the public)


17. Schattman, R., Roesch-McNally, G., Wiener, S., Niles, M.T., Hollinger, D.  2018. Farm Service Agency employee intentions to use weather and climate data in professional services.  Special Issue on Climate Change and Food Systems in Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.  1-10. doi:10.1017/S1742170517000783 (Open Access, free to the public)


16. Niles, M.T. Garrett, R., Walsh, D. 2018. Ecological and economic benefits and challenges for integrating sheep into viticulture production.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 38: 1. (Open Access version free to the public here)


15. Niles, M.T. and M.E. Brown. 2017. A multi-country assessment of factors related to smallholder food security in varying rainfall conditions. Scientific Reports. 7: 16277. (Open Access, free to the public)


14. Niles, M.T. and Courtney Hammond-Wagner. 2017. Farmers Seek Local Solutions for California Water Management and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. (2017). Special issue of California Agriculture on “California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act”.  (Open Access, free to the public)


13. Garrett RD, Niles M.T., Gil JDB, Gaudin A, Chaplin-Kramer R, Assmann A, et al. 2017. Social and ecological analysis of commercial integrated crop livestock systems: Current knowledge and remaining uncertainty. Agricultural Systems.155: 136–146.  (Open Access version free to the public here)


12. Kross, S., Ingram, K., Long, R., Niles, M.T.  2017. Drivers of farmer perceptions of wildlife and on-farm conservation actions. Conservation Letters. (Open Access, free to the public)


11. Garrett, R., M.T. Niles, J. Gil, P. Dy, J. Ferreira, J. Reis, J. Valentim. 2017. Re-integrating crop and livestock systems: A comparative policy analysis.  Sustainability, 9: 473. (Open Access, free to the public)


10. Niles, M.T. and N. Mueller. 2016. Farmer perceptions of climate change: Associations with observed temperature and precipitation trends, irrigation, and climate beliefs.  Global Environmental Change, 39: 133-142. (Open Access, free to the public)


9. Niles, M.T., Brown, M., Dynes, R. 2016. Farmer's intended and actual adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Climatic Change, 135: 277-295. (Open Access, free to the public)


8. Prokopy, L., J. Arbuckle, A. Barnes, V. Haden, A. Hogan, M.T. Niles, J. Tyndall. 2015. Farmers and climate change: A cross-national comparison of belief and risk perceptions in developed countries. Environmental Management. 56: 492-504


7. Niles, M.T., M. Lubell, M. Brown. 2015. How limiting factors drive agricultural adaptation to climate change. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 200: 178-185. (Open Access, free to the public)


6. Lubell, M., M.T. Niles, M. Hoffman. 2014. Agricultural education and outreach in the age of connectivity. Journal of Society and Natural Resources. 27: 1089-1103 (Open Access, free to the public here)


5. Niles, M.T., M. Lubell, V.R. Haden. 2013. Perceptions and responses to climate policy risks among California farmers. Global Environmental Change. 23: 1752-1760. (Open Access, free to the public here)


4. Haden, V.R.*, M.T. Niles*, M. Lubell, J. Perlman, L.E. Jackson. 2012. Global and local concerns: What attitudes and beliefs motivate farmers to mitigate and adapt to climate change? PLOS ONE. 7 (12). * Both authors contributed equally to this manuscript (Open Access, free to the public)


3. Niles, M.T. and M. Lubell. Integrative frontiers in environmental policy theory and research. 2012. Policy Studies Journal. 40: 41-64


2. L. Jackson, V.R. Haden, A.D. Hollander, H. Lee, M. Lubell, V.K. Mehta, T. O’Geen, M. Niles, J. Perlman, D. Purkey, W. Salas, D. Sumner, M. Tomuta, M. Dempsey, and S.M. Wheeler. 2012. Agricultural mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Yolo County, CA. California Energy Commission Project 500-09-009, pp.153. (Open Access, free to the public here)


1. Niles, M.T. 2008. Sustainable soils: Reducing, mitigating and adapting to climate change with organic agriculture. Sustainable Development Law and Policy. 9:19-23. (Open Access, free to the public)


Book Chapters

4) Alperin, J.P., Schimanski, L.A., La, M., Niles, M.T., McKiernan, E.C. The value of data and other non-traditional scholarly outputs in academic review, promotion, and tenure. (2022). Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. MIT Press.


3) Behrens, P. and M.T. Niles. (2021). Climate change and food sustainability. In Behrens, P. (Ed.), Food Sustainability, Oxford University Press.


2) Niles, M.T. and M. Brown. (2021). Food security and sustainability. In Behrens, P. (Ed), Food Sustainability, Oxford University Press.


1) Niles, M.T., (2013). Achieving social sustainability in animal agriculture: Challenges and opportunities to reconcile multiple sustainability goals. In Kebreab, E. (Ed), Sustainable Animal Agriculture. CABI Press, p 193-212


Academic and Government Reports

8) Niles, M.T., Bertmann, F., Belarmino, E.H., Cannella, M., Conner, D. (2021). COVID-19 impacts on Vermont farms and food businesses: Pivots, needs and opportunities for the future.


7) Niles, M.T., Ferdinand, T., Choularton, R., Carter, R.  (2021). Opportunities for crop research, development and adoption to drive transformative adaptation in agriculture.  Working Paper- World Resources Institute.  Available online at


6) Clay, L., Biehl, E., Colon-Ramos, U., Dunn, C., Hossan, A., Josephson, A., Marks, A.B., Morgan, E.H.B., Neff, R., Niles, M.T., Slotter, R.  (2020). COVID-19 and Food Insecurity- CONVERGE COVID-19 Working Group for Public Health and Social Sciences Research Agenda Setting Paper.


5) Niles, M.T. (2018). Household Food Waste Perceptions and Behaviors: A Vermont Case Study. University of Vermont.


4) Niles, M.T., Ahuja, R., Esquivel, J., Mango, N., Duncan, M., Heller, M., Tirado, C. (2017). Climate change & food systems: assessing impacts and opportunities. Meridian Institute. Available at


3)  Schattman, R.E., Wiener, S., Roesch-McNally, G., Niles, M.T., Iovanna, R., Carey, M. 2017. Farm Service Agency: National Survey on Climate and Weather.  A report to the USDA Farm Service Agency. 


2) Roesch-McNally, G., Wiener, S., Schattman, R.E., Niles, M.T., Lawson, D., Wilson, M. 2017. Natural Resources Conservation Service: National Survey on Climate and Weather.  A report to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 


1) Jackson, L., Haden, V.R., Hollander, A.D., Lee, H., Lubell, M., Mehta, V.K., O’Geen, T., Niles, M.T., Perlman, J., Purkey, D., Salas, W., Sumner, D., Tomuta, M., Dempsey, M., Wheeler., S.M (2012). Agricultural mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Yolo County, CA. California Energy Commission Project 500-09-009, pp.153.

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