Open Access
Meredith is a passionate advocate for making the products of research more publicly available including research data, publications and the research process. She is part of a growing number of academic researchers who are committed to a more transparent research process and outputs to fully maximize the benefit of research for society.
Meredith currently employs these approaches through her own research (see her publications, which are made freely available through open access), as well as through larger, systemic efforts. To that end, she currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Public Library of Science (PLOS), one of the world's largest open access publishers.
Recently Meredith has been part of an academic research effort to explore open access among other topics related to the review, promotion, and tenure (RPT) process at academic institutions. This has included a review of RPT documents across institutions in Canada and the US and a survey of faculty at these institutions as well. Thus far, the group has published several articles, with more in the works, including:
Alperin, Juan P., Schimanski, L., Muñoz Nieves, C., Fischman, Gustavo E., Niles, M.T., McKiernan, E.C. (2019). Meta-Research: How significant are the public dimensions of faculty work in review, promotion and tenure documents? eLife. 8:e42254
McKiernan, E.C., Schimanski, L.A., Muñoz Nieves, C., Matthias, L., Niles, M.T., and Alperin, J.P.
(2019). The use of Journal Impact Factor in academic review, promotion, and tenure evaluations. Peer J Pre-print.
Meredith frequently gives talks about open access, many of which are featured here.
Meredith was featured in PLOS Cast in 2016, in an interview found here
Meredith was interviewed by OK Cast in 2014 about her open access policy work found here